"From the rugged peaks of mountains to the intricate details of a butterfly's wings, my photos invite you to explore our world in a new, awe-inspiring light."
Welcome to my internet portfolio, dedicated to showcase my passion for travel, wildlife, and landscape photography that inspires awareness about the beauty and fragility of our planet. Through stunning visual imagery and engaging narratives, I aim to capture the essence of our world's diverse cultures, majestic wildlife, and awe-inspiring landscapes, while highlighting the urgent need to protect our natural heritage for future generations.
Born 1962 in Germany, I was always fascinated by animals, watched wildlife documentaries on TV (like Jacques Cousteau or Bernhard Grizmek), and read books by Konrad Lorenz.
I am a passionate but not professional photographer for more than 40 years now.
Discovering foreign countries, to learn from people of different cultures, to observe the beauty of nature and to comprehend the relations between each other is part of my natural curiosity. It was the reason why I studied social sciences and particularly ethnology.
Since over 50 years, I live in Luxembourg a small beautiful country, but with a high level of cultural diversity and still preserving a wide range of different natural habitats.
I like simple, natural things. This applies to people as well as landscapes, flowers, animals and natural phenomena. Simply just because it is merely beautiful in itself, aesthetically pleasing and just as it really is in its cultural context or in its natural environment. It doesn’t matter if the subject or object is just in my backyard or far away.